Linggo, Marso 27, 2011

Physical Education 6

This Blog is made by a  group of undergraduate students who are currently doing their thesis about "Computer Aided Instruction in Teaching Physical Education 6". This Blog serves as the avenue for the teacher to make the students explore and learn more about Physical Education.

Volley Ball

PELC in Volleyball

An Olympic team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules.

Skills in volleyball
A serve from behind the end boundary of the court starts play. The serve must go-over the net in the first serve attempt.

The underhand serve
If you are right handed, place the ball on your palm of the left hand hold the ball toward the right side of your body. Left foot ahead of your right foot and both knees slightly bends. Swing your right hand back and behind you. Then swing it forward, straighten your arm and hit the ball with the heel of your hand. After hitting the ball, swing your arm upward and forward in the direction you want the ball to go. This is follow through.

2.    The overhead punch
Stand facing the net with the feet in a slightly stride position. The left foot is just ahead of the right foot. Hold the ball in front of the body, toss the ball straight up in front of you to a height of 12 to 18 inches above your head. Using an open hand, contact the ball with heel of your hand as the ball drops to a point just above your head. Follow through with a straight punch acting of your right hand, bringing your weight forward as you step unto your foot. 


Sabado, Marso 26, 2011

Physical Fitness

PELC for Physical Fitness


The standing Long Jump athletics event are part of the Sportshall series designed for the indoor use of school age competitors. This is a brief outline of the event, for more details see official literature.
This test involves a two-footed jump from a standing position, and tests the co-ordination and leg strength of the participants. It differs from the outdoor traditional long jump in that there is no run up allowed, two feet instead of one is used for takeoff, and a landing mat is used rather than a sand pit. 

Equipment Required

  • A special calibrated landing mat is used which enable jumps to be recorded easily. There are two take off lines, with the most appropriate for the level of the athlete used.

General Procedure

  • The athlete must stand on the mat with both feet behind the take off line.
  • Techniques involving a crouch or rocking motion prior to the jump are permitted, provided that both feet are next to each other and retain in contact with the mat until the start of the jump.
  • The athlete should jump with a two footed take off as far as possible from a standing position.
  • The athlete must land on both feet. If the athlete steps back after landing, or falls back or touches the mat or floor behind their heel, a no jump is recorded. 
  • Measurement is taken from the take off line to the back of the closest heel on landing.

The sit and reach test is a common measure of flexibility, and specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles. This test is important as because tightness in this area is implicated in lumbar lordosis, forward pelvic tilt and lower back pain. This test was first described by Wells and Dillon (1952) and is now widely used as a general test of flexibility.

About Test Variations

There are a few variations of the test. Many of the variations of this test involve the differences in the value of the level of the feet.
The most logical measure is to use the level of the feet as recording zero, so that any measure that does not reach the toes is negative and any reach past the toes is positive (such as for PRT Sit and Reach for the Navy). However, using negative values is more difficult for statistical analyses, and for comparing results. The procedure for the Presidents Challenge version require that the box is made with 9 inches (23 cm) at the level of the feet, so reaching two inches past the toes is recorded as 11 inches. The Eurofit manual suggests having 15cm at the level of the feet.
A limitation of the traditional sit and reach procedure is that people with long arms and/or short legs would get a better result, while those with short arms and/or long legs are at a disadvantage. The modified sit and reach test controls for this, as the zero mark is adjusted for each individual, based on their sitting reach level.
The traditional sit and reach procedure also measures the combined flexibility of the legs. The Back-Saver Sit and Reach, as as used by Fitnessgram Program, tests one leg at a time. In the Chair Sit and Reach Test, designed for testing the elderly, the dominant leg is tested while the subject sits on a chair and leans forward.
If you do not have a specifically made sit and reach box, you can use any box, crate or step with a long ruler (make your own). You can follow the description of the Sit and Reach at home, a simple version that can be done with minimal equipment, or the V-Sit Flexibility Test, similar to the sit and reach though it uses a line on the ground instead of a box.

Test Procedure

The basic outline of the sit and reach test is described below. Some of the more popular variations are described in more detail above.
  • equipment required: sit and reach box (or alternatively a ruler can be used, and a step or box)

  • procedure: This test involves sitting on the floor with legs stretched out straight ahead. Shoes should be removed. The soles of the feet are placed flat against the box. Both knees should be locked and pressed flat to the floor - the tester may assist by holding them down. With the palms facing downwards, and the hands on top of each other or side by side, the subject reaches forward along the measuring line as far as possible. Ensure that the hands remain at the same level, not one reaching further forward than the other. After some practice reaches, the subject reaches out and holds that position for at one-two seconds while the distance is recorded. Make sure there are no jerky movements. See also video demonstrations of the Sit and Reach Test.