Linggo, Marso 27, 2011

Volley Ball

PELC in Volleyball

An Olympic team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules.

Skills in volleyball
A serve from behind the end boundary of the court starts play. The serve must go-over the net in the first serve attempt.

The underhand serve
If you are right handed, place the ball on your palm of the left hand hold the ball toward the right side of your body. Left foot ahead of your right foot and both knees slightly bends. Swing your right hand back and behind you. Then swing it forward, straighten your arm and hit the ball with the heel of your hand. After hitting the ball, swing your arm upward and forward in the direction you want the ball to go. This is follow through.

2.    The overhead punch
Stand facing the net with the feet in a slightly stride position. The left foot is just ahead of the right foot. Hold the ball in front of the body, toss the ball straight up in front of you to a height of 12 to 18 inches above your head. Using an open hand, contact the ball with heel of your hand as the ball drops to a point just above your head. Follow through with a straight punch acting of your right hand, bringing your weight forward as you step unto your foot. 


  This is the first skill you should know.

Overhead Volley
This is used when you pass a ball to your team mate, other wise known as chest pass. Use your fingertips to contact the ball, keep your wrist firm and cocked well back. Keep fingers spread with hand in front of your face and knee slightly bent and wait for the ball to come to you. Just before contact, begin to straighten your knees. With slight wrist snap and straightening of your arms, the should rebound immediately off the fingers. Follow through. Make a habit of using both hands on every volley.

Setting is the art of passing the ball fairly high and close to the net so that the spiker can spring into the air and smash it into the opponent’s court. The chest pass overhead volley is the common type of pass used to set-up.

Underhand Volley
This skill is referred to as a bump or bounce pass, and is commonly used to receive serves, to recover a ball as it drops from the net, to pick up a spiked ball and to make a serve.

Place the palm of the hands together and grasp the back of one hand with the fingers of the other, with the thumbs forward and the arms extended and downward. This will bring forearms together in a parallel position and provide a fairly flat hitting surface. The ball should be hit 3 or 4 inches above the wrist with a controlled upward motion. Bend your knees deeply to get low and well beneath the ball as it comes toward you. Extend your legs and body upward to meet the ball, keeping your elbows and shoulders in a somewhat fixed position at the time the ball rebounds off the forearms.

3.    Spiking
A spike is a hard hit, which sends the ball directly downward over the top of the net onto the opponent’s court. The spike is made with an open hand by hitting the ball with the heel of the hand with a quick whip action of the shoulder, arm, and hand.

Your classmate must set up the ball before you can spike. The set-up should be at least 5 ft. above the top of the net and parallel to it, and from 1 to 2 ft. away from it. Face the net at an arms distance. Bend your knees, keep your weight forward. Swing your arms upward to help you get height as you spring into the air. Hit the ball at the highest point of your jump. At the height of your jump, your hitting hand should be bent with your hand behind your head. Quickly whip your hitting arm upward and toward the ball, straightening your arm and snapping your wrist downward as you contact the top of the ball with heel of your hand. Hit the ball downward across the top of the net and be sure you do not touch the net.

The block is a defensive manoeuvre against a spiked ball. After deciding where the spike is coming from, you should go to that area at the net about 2 ft. from it. Jump with the spike at the same time as the spiker. Straighten your arms to reach high above your head, thumbs together with fingers spread and pointing upward. The ball will rebound from the straight fingers and is deflected back toward your team mates.

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